Slvz Unrecoverable
Make your storages unrecoverable
Size : 660 KB
410 Times downloaded
Version : 1.0
Released on : 2022/07/21
It's completely free but you can alwayse support me by Donate
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Maybe it happened to you that you want to sell your laptop and worry about recovering your personal information
This problem is solved with Unrecoverable software and you can sell or replace your laptop safely without worrying about recovering your personal information.
Logically, when you try to delete a file, the file is actually ignored and the bits of the file are not deleted
When you store new information and data in the memory, actually the bits of that file are overwritten on the oldest bit that exists in the memory houses and ignored.
In fact, after deleting all the files, the Unrecoverable program copies junk and useless data, and junk bits are placed instead of the bits of your files that are ignored.
If you try to restore, the names of the files may be displayed, but it is not possible to restore the entire bits of the file
This program does not need to be installed
Application creators
System requirement
Windows 10 and up
Other platforms
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